The steps performed in analyzing a method
The MethodLyrinx.process() method is invoked by the
ClassLyrinx.process() method for all methods in a class.
The goal of the process() method is to create an instance
of the class and
to add it as child of the
parent class. Here follows the sequence diagram which illustrates
the steps performed by the MethodLyrinx.process() method:
These are the steps performed by the MethodLyrinx.process():
- The method asks the LyrinxManufactory to return
an instance of the
class, which will be used to delegate the process of
method parameters.
- As it was true with the ClassLyrinx, this method narrows down
the object to an instance
of in order to
have access to its methods.
- The method asks the
to create and return an instance of the main component object of this
method: an instance of the
- The method retrieves the method's name. If this is the constructor
(identified by the name <init>) the entire method
processing is skipped (Jemos Clanker is not interested for the
moment in constructors' details).
- The method's name is set as attribute in the Method object.
- The method then sets the modifiers (such as 'public', 'private', 'final', etc)
as attributes in the Method object.
- The method sets the return type (fully qualified name of the
type returned by the method, or void or primitive datatype) as
attribute of the Method class.
- For each parameter, the ParamLyrinx.process() method
is invoked. To see what happens there, please see
the related documentation.
- The method then adds each exception in a collection of
strings as attribute of the Method object. Each string
represents the fully qualified name of the exception
- The method then adds the Method object in the registry maintained
in the Amplimet.
- Similarly with what happened when the class processed the Javadocs,
the method retrieves the method's Javadocs from the ThapterImpl
class and sets these as attribute in the Method class.
- The method then loops through each annotation and for each of them
invokes the AnnotationLyrinx.process() method which
creates and returns an instance of and
each Annotation object is then added in a collection of
annotations maintained in the Method class.
- Finally the Method object is returned to the
client (in this case an instance of the class)
An instance of the
class offers the following attributes:
- A collection of
- The collection of anonymous classes contained within
this method
- The method's Javadoc represented by an instance
of the
- A collection of the exceptions thrown by the
- A collection of local variables
- The list of modifiers, represented by
a collection of String objects
- The method's name
- The method's parameters, maintained in
a collection of
- The unique parent identifier, represented by
the hashcode of the Clazz object which invoked
this processor
- The return type, identified either by the plain
name if the type is contained within the java.lang
package, or the fully qualified name if not or the
value void if no return type was declared in
the method's signature